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Congregation of Yahweh
Our Location is

1107 Frankford Ave.
Panama City, FL 32401


Sabbath Service Saturday 1:00 pm
Bible Study Saturday 11:00 am

See Our Facebook Page

Driving Directions

Email if you would like to know more about these images. Please accept our apologies if we have not answered emails. We have been inundated with thousands of spam emails a day, and this has caused our email filtering system to discard legitimate messages as well. We are working on resolving this issue.

Welcome to our website!

The Congregation of YHWH welcomes all people who are interested in seeking Truth (a field of study most are uncomfortable with) and/or who want to worship with us at YHWH's appointed times.   For more information, please read the FAQ and Beliefs sections.    We are not out to recruit, solicit money or put fear or guilt into anyone. We don't pass a collection plate nor beg or plead for money in any way. We aren't out to build buildings and monuments. We only want to help build up the body of Messiah. We love, worship and study about Yahweh and His son Yahshua. We extend a hand to you to seek Truth with us and join us in fellowship. You will never be pressured to believe what some of us may believe. We do not claim to have a grasp on all truth, but feel that we get just a little closer each day we try. Only YHWH's Ruach (Spirit) can draw a man to the Truth. We seek to be led by that same Spirit!    Occasionally we meet at a different location than the one listed above. If you would like to come study and worship with us please EMAIL beforehand just in case we are going to be at another location on a particular Sabbath. Or feel free to email if you have a prayer request or would just like more information in general.

(Praise ye Yah!)

LATEST ADDITIONS Seek and Reprove all Things (articles)
A log of some short info ads placed in the local newspaper.
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Yahweh's Set-apart Days 2025

YHWH's Set-Apart Days 2024
YHWH's Passover April 13 (Observed after sunset evening before)
YHWH's Days of Unleavened Bread April 14 - April 20
YHWH's Pentecost June 8 (Observed on the morrow after the Sabbath)
YHWH's Day of Trumpets September 24 (One Day)
YHWH's Day of Atonement (Fast begins at previous sunset) See meeting notice October 3 (24 hour fast)
YHWH's Feast of Tabernacles October 8 thru October 14
YHWH's Solemn Assembly October 15 (One Day)

Basis: Leviticus 23, reckoned to Jerusalem, sunset-to-sunset, with 1 Nisan the first new-moon crescent after the day of the Spring Equinox; barley not a determinate.

Messianic Fellowship